A Poetry Lesson

©Mason’s Living Languages


Ah! Quel Nez!


Teacher Prep: Find a picture and audio file for the poem (perhaps a picture of Pinocchio!?).  Read through the poem and determine gestures you can use to communicate the poem’s meaning.   


Ah! Quel nez!

(Oh! What a nose!)

Ah! Quel nez!

(Oh! What a nose!)

Ah! Comme il est allongé!

(Oh! How long it has got!)

Tout le monde en est éttoné!

(Everybody is astonished at it!)

Poem from Hachette’s First Illustrated Primer by Henri Bué


Listen to the poem with the picture on display.   

One at a time, listen closely to each phrase three times each.  After each phrase, ask the student(s) to repeat what they have heard, pointing to the appropriate word in the picture, or with a gesture.   

Listen to and act out the poem.   

Listen again, this time speaking along with the audio as able. Do this until your lesson time is up!