About Me


Hi Friends!

I’m Becca–blessed wife of Chris and mom to three wonderful boys–serving the Lord in the beautiful state of North Carolina.  Introduced by an older mom to Miss Mason when my first born was a toddler, it took but pages to discover a kindred heart in Charlotte Mason.  It hasn’t been a seamless homeschooling journey, but it has been a beautiful one full of discovery–of my Creator, my children and myself.  Much like the saving grace of my faith, I have a hard time not sharing with others the beauty I have found in Charlotte Mason’s philosophy of education. My heart is to simply share the feast, just like my old friend first shared Charlotte Mason with me.

This desire led to the creation of Mason’s Living Languages.

My mother, a Francophile, poured the French language and culture into me as a child in any way she could, through speaking and singing, and even in her cooking.  Naturally her love for the French language and culture soon became my own.  Over time, my love for French soon became a love for all languages.

As I set out to share with my children not only a love for languages, but also for people, I had a difficult time coming across contemporary resources clearly explaining Charlotte Mason’s method, never mind what exactly to use.  I began to research in Mason’s volumes and write out for myself exactly how she prescribed language acquisition.  Once I had a clear picture, I set to work finding resources to fit this method.  The result is what I have shared with you here, at Mason’s Living Languages.

Mason’s Living Languages could not have been possible without God’s nudging, the help and encouragement of some wonderful friends and the support of my wonderful husband.

My prayer and hope is that this work would bless you and your family in the years to come!  Thanks for being here!

Should you have any questions, concerns or needs, you can email me at becca@masonslivinglanguages.com